CuratED Experiences and Excursions

We Believe in the Power of Collective Learning and Communal Care

“Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning.” -Diane Ackerman

We curate experiential learning opportunities and spaces conducive to growth and development among both youth and adults. Our passion lies in multidisciplinary, multifaceted activities that extend learning beyond traditional boundaries. With a firm commitment to a strengths-based mindset, we recognize that adult well-being directly impacts the social, emotional and academic development of children. We meticulously design to empower parents and educators with valuable insights, knowledge, and tools needed to actively support children. We believe in the collective strength of a community invested in the well-being and growth of every child.



Engaging and interactives workshops, and table talks designed to provide valuable insights, resources and tools for parents and educators.


We believe in immersive experiences that provide opportunities for exposure, enrichment and empowerment. We support and coordinate experiential learning opportunities beyond the walls of the classroom and the city!

EmpowerED Peer Networks
Peer-based cohorts connect & develop deeper-skills for inquiry & introspection, and engage in a new form of collaborative problem-solving.


We curating an ecosystem of experiences for educators, parents and student to celebrate & elevate what it means to be a lifelong learner.

Let’s collaborate and curate a unique EDxperience for your team, family or group of friends.  Our events and activities are designed to ignite passions and invite PLAY!  

Let’s collaborate and curate a unique EDxperience for your team, family or group of friends.  Our events and activities are designed to ignite passions and invite PLAY!  

We want to expose families to diverse and impactful youth programming offered across the city. We believe beyond the bell (OST) youth activities and experiences are more than just programs—they are transformative opportunities that can shape a child’s future. This EDxperience will take place on Saturday, September 21st and is FREE to program providers and parents. Register today, share with your network, and help us extend a community of support far beyond the classroom.

What is your biggest dream? Where do you see yourself in the future? Far too often we are asked about what you want to DO when you grow up, but we want to invite you to explore who you want to BE! In-person or via Zoom we facilitate Vision Board Workshops for adults, adolescents and families to explore their aspirations and ambitions. Collective co-creation of ideas often inspires us to go big and ground in accountability partnership. We encourage purposeful P.L.AY. (pause, let go & affirm yourself) and provide the tools and protocols to help participants move from theoretical to tangible.

What’s on your mind?   Join us for an intimate and unfiltered discussion designed to serve as a non-judgmental space to P.L.AY. (pause, let go & affirm yourself).  We share, explore, ask questions and engage in ‘real talk’ to elevate our life’s journey. If you have an idea for a Show & Tell Topic – submit it here.  Stay tuned for our Show & Tell:  Back to School Edition in late September. 

Invite The Collaborative Counsel @elevatED spaces to speak to your families, parent groups, youth organizations about serving, supporting and advocating for students with special education needs. 

Are you interested in opening a charter school?  Learning more about how charter schools are authorized?   Connect with us to host an informational session or interactive training for your organization. 

Connect with peer leaders to  “get new perspectives to shared problems.” Peer Networks are designed as a stakeholder engagement offerings to help leaders  – 

  • Develop deeper-level skills for inquiry and introspection, 
  • Learn a new form of collaborative problem solving, and 
  • Cultivate a peer-network that will extend beyond the sessions.

Join Our Community

At CuratED Events and Activities, we invite you to be a part of a community that values experiential learning, embraces diversity and actively contributes to the growth and development of every individual. Sign up for invitations and information on our next initiatives!

Painter workplace with drawing equipment, potted plants and stack of books